Dry Needling Noosa

Dry Needling is a Physiotherapy treatment for people who feel their muscles are sore and tight. It involves inserting fine needles into trigger points in the muscle to release tension and relieve pain. Dry needle therapy can help many different health conditions including headaches, neck pain and shoulder tension.

Tension in your muscles, no problem!

A great Physiotherapy treatment combined sometimes with deep tissue massage, dry needling can be effective in eliminating tight, tense and sore muscles. The thin acupuncture needle is inserted into the contracted muscle fibers and can help alleviate the tension of the muscle fascicles from within. With many different soft tissue techniques on offer, I will guide you on the best treatment for you condition so if you’re interested in dry needling, ask away!

FAQ’S About Dry Needling

  • Dry Needling is a safe and effective approach to improving muscle and myofascial pain. It has been clinically demonstrated to reduce pain, spasm, and tension while also increasing range of motion and improving functional performance. Studies have further shown that Dry Needling is an effective way to treat acute/chronic musculoskeletal pain, reduce inflammation, improve tissue healing, decrease scar tissue formation, and more.

  • The effects of dry needling can last for days or even weeks. Depending on the injury and other factors, your physiotherapist may find that regular dry needling sessions are needed to keep your body in balance. Regular dry needling treatments can help prevent recurring injuries and help you stay fit, healthy and active longer.

  • It is safe to exercise the next day after dry needling if you are not too sore. It is common to feel some heaviness and tenderness in the dry needled area post treatment however exercising the muscle soon after will not cause any harm. Some clients report that being active soon after treatment has helped relieve the tension so it is a case by case scenario. Above all, listen to your body and what it needs posts treatment.

  • Dry needling can cause a slight discomfort, but it should never be painful. Your physiotherapist will aim to find the optimal treatment level; one that allows you to feel the needling and benefit from it, but not suffer through any pain.

  • I never assume a certain technique will be best for a client without discussing options with you first. If you have a phobia to needles or feel tense around the thought of having dry needling, then there are other options to treat your soft tissue without the anxiety. I offer a wide variety of services and will always work with you to decide what your body intuitively needs.

  • If you have any specific questions, I’d love to answer them. Click on the ‘Enquiries’ or ‘Contact’ Page on this website and an email with your enquiry will be sent to me. I’ll aim to get back to you within 24 hours. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to have a quick chat, you can contact me on 0421803676. Looking forward to hearing from you : )